Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Roc and Road Trip

This weekend at the Roc Rally saw the culmination of the Roc Trip with the super finals. This is the first time an event of this scale has ever occurred. Due to a trip to Goldrush on Sat and Sun, I sadly didn’t get to see the finals. However, from discussions with organisers, competitors and spectators alike, it seems that the event was amazing. The organisers had a tent rigged on the edge of the Tranquilitas crag which overlooks the God No wall where the super final was held.
There were camera’s capturing the climbing action and a big screen tv set up in the tent for spectators to view the climbing close up. Eric Rieman provided very psyched commentary and kept everyone hooked and on the edge of their seats. The sheer scale of the event and the organisation is amazing! A big screen TV! Its like a rugby match!

For the actual results, and a longer commentary,
www.climb.co.za has it all but I just wanted to say to everyone who took part and helped make it happen, ‘Congrats! You did an amazing job and have set the benchmark for future events.’


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