Tuesday, October 2, 2007



One of my favourite websites is www.8a.nu. I know that for many people this is website holds no appeal because they feel it’s a type of bragging, or that they feel they don’t send hard enough to merit a scorecard. And for a long time I would have agreed. In fact, I only have a scorecard, because my boyfriend opened one for me and diligently put my climbs up. Recently though, I’ve come to see the merit in it myself.

Firstly, it is personal. Odds are no one will be looking at your scorecard except yourself. So I’ve stopped feeling so self conscious about it. It’s a bit like being a teenager, you think everyone is looking at you, and then one day you realise they aren’t. Same thing I think.

For me recently, its been a real asset to my climbing. I’ve been doing slightly harder climbs than I’ve done before. But in my head, I am still climbing the same grades I was 2 years ago. Its only when looking at the scorecard, that I’ve come to realise I am sending harder and I need my head to catch up with my body. Its been a tool breaking through the glass ceiling we place on ourselves.

Its also great to have an easy to use tool to track your climbing. You can see your climbing pyramid. Where you have gaps in grades and where you need to put in a bit more effort to build a bigger base. I believe the bigger your climbing base, the better the climber.

I also, like to look at top climbers scorecards. Its really inspiring for me to see the volume they climb. And I believe the results are the product of the volume.

And lastly, and this is just for me personally, it’s a little ego boost. When I’m feeling a little climbing incompetent, I’ll look at my all time sends. I find it sorts out my head. I’m not useless – look at all these climbs! Can’t be that useless if I could drag myself up all of those.

Anyways, those are my few cents worth!




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